Advanced Click Fraud Thresholds on

Abisola Tanzako | Nov 06, 2023

Did you know that you now have the power to decide how many times an IP can click on your ads?

Last week, we launched a brand new feature on!

The Click Fraud Threshold feature allows you to determine how many times an IP can click on your ads before we block it.

All you have to do is set the rules based on your current data (average click rate) and our tool marks each IP that meets your criteria as fraudulent.

Here’s how to set your click threshold;

  • Log on to your ClickPatrol dashboard
  • Navigate to settings
  • Click on blocking
  • Navigate to click threshold
  • Add your desired blocking criteria
  • Click update threshold rules
  • You can set up to 5 rules (e.g. up to 3 clicks per minute, Up to 10 clicks per day, Up to 15 clicks per week, etc) depending on your average click rate.)

See this YouTube video for a detailed tutorial on how to set and update click threshold rules.

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* For dutch registerd companies excluding VAT