Give your brand what it Deserves

Save 21% on ads with a 100% conversion guarantee. Trusted by 1500+ clients, ready in 1 minute to protect your ads and save money.

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ClickPatrol is trusted by +1.500 advertisers

These companies protect their ads from invalid engagement, such as bots (e.g., AWS), scrapers (e.g., Semrush), and other invalid traffic.

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Get back what is yours and maximize your CVR

Invalid clicks may sometimes refer to the deliberate and malevolent act of purposefully clicking on a paid link, such as a display advertisement or a sponsored search result,  with no intention to buy.

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ClickPatrol is your Safety Shield against invalid clicks

Using ClickPatrol’s superior ppc-protection software you will automatically protect all your clients running PPC campaigns and at the same time:

  • Your clients get better ROI on ad spend
  • You reallocate your clients ad spend efficiently and easily
  • You and your clients get a competitive (market) advantage
  • You and your clients get deeper click-data insights
  • You and your clients get more raw data to optimize your campaigns
  • You spend less time worrying about your campaigns and gain extra time to focus on other tasks
  • You make smarter business decisions
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The use of ClickPatrol tool goes beyond saving on marketing spend

Our tool enables you to:
  • Work more efficiently and stop losing valuable FTE on manual ppc protection tasks
  • Use saved FTE for more important primary objectives such as improving campaigns, brainstorming new angles, developing employee capacity, and driving results
  • Integrate campaigns directly to Google Tag Manager
  • Gather deeper and more meaningful data insights beyond Google analytics (GA4) data resources
  • Collect more raw data than your average Ad Management tool

Start Protecting Your Brand In 3 Easy Steps

  1. Sign up on ClickPatrol

  2. Connect your Google Ads account

  3. Start protecting your campaigns

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Ads protection

Save on Ad Spend

By blocking invalid and non-human traffic, our clients save up to 20% on ad spend.

Increase Ad conversion rate

ClickPatrol increases overall ad conversion rates by removing invalid clicks, leaving only meaningful clicks that are more likely to leads.

Improve Traffic Quality

ClickPatrol works to improve overall website traffic quality as invalid clicks are responsible for poor indicators such as high click-through rates and high bounce rates.

Stop Competitor Rivalry

By limiting competitor access to your ad campaigns through our IP prediction and detection, unhealthy competitive rivalry is prevented.

Assess Comprehensive Campaign insights

ClickPatrol provides comprehensive insights into campaign and traffic quality, such as keyword bids and traffic indicators.

Understand Click Insights

We provide detailed insights on click specifics such as location, type of device, number of visits etc.

Brand Protection service

We can do this on 3 specific levels:

Account Level: IPs are blocked across all campaigns associated with an account
Campaign Level: IPs are blocked only for specific campaigns on an account
Ad group Level: We block IPs only for specific ad groups

Our tool is easy to Plug & Protect

In less than 1 minute you are ready to take back control and start protecting your PPC campaigns with 3 easy steps:

  1. Create your ClickPatrol account
  2. Connect your PPC account
  3. Start protecting and saving
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~16.8% of clicks screened by ClickPatrol are found to be invalid and blocked

Saved ad spend are automatically reallocated to acquire additional clicks on your campaign.

ClickPatrol’s Superpowers Explained

Always in control

Block your competitors' efforts who depleteyour clients ad budget. You are in full control of high-quality traffic to boost clients revenues.

Turn costs into profits

20% of all PPC traffic is related to non-human activity. Turn this loss into growing client revenue.

Better data. Better decisions

Unlock advanced data you will not have based on ad analytics alone. Make better decisions. Get better performance.

Block non human traffic

Eliminate bots, drive cleaner and more human traffic at the same ad spend to your clients websites. Grow human activity, grow conversion rates.

We are 100% GDPR-proof

With ClickPatrol’s PPC protection software, you are 100% compliant with GDPR, and CPPA laws.

Our servers have the following certifications:
27001, 27018, 27701, 22301, 9001 and CSA STAR CCM v4.0.

Unlock your full ppc protection superpowers

It is time to activate your PPC superpowers. Use ClickPatrol’s superior AI to fight invalid clicks, increase conversions, and get in-depth data to make better performance decisions.

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We focus on Human clicks. You should too:

1 out of 5 clicks on your Ads will never convert. The reason is simple. These are non-human clicks. Many (online) marketing tools are constantly scrolling online and clicking on your ads.

Parties like SEMrush, Ahrefs, Adsbots, Wordstream, and many more.

ClickPatrol blocks these clicks for you and focuses on human clicks. We opt for conversions. You should too.

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Trusted Tracker

Google rated us, as one of the 114 companies in the world, with a trusted tracker certification. The trusted click tracker accreditation for ClickPatrol means that we are 100% compliant with Google’s 3rd party click tracker guidelines.

Start using your ad spend more efficiently

Schedule a personalized demo and receive a free 7-day traffic audit to discover your potential savings with ClickPatrol.

No cost involved, no commitment necessary.
1.500+ advertisers are already using our tool

Turn advanced data into accelerated growth

With the support of ClickPatrol’s powerful PPC Protection software, you eliminate bots, block non-human traffic, and Optimize your PPC funnel to maximize revenues and cut unnecessary costs.

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