What is Google click ID (GCLID)?

The Google Click ID (GCLID) is a unique identifier assigned by Google to each click coming from Google Ads. It serves as a crucial element in tracking and billing within advertising campaigns. It provides detailed data about the click, including information such as:

  • The campaign it originated from
  • The exact timestamp of the click
  • The type of network (e.g., search, display)
  • The ad group and specific ad clicked

Although the GCLID appears as just a number, it carries significant metadata, which allows both Google and advertisers to monitor campaign performance more accurately.

How we use GCLID to track clicks

1. Identifying Duplicate Clicks:
Sometimes in your dashboard, you may notice multiple clicks that seem identical. A quick way to verify whether you were charged for each click is to check if the GCLID is unique for each click. If the GCLIDs are unique, you’ve been charged for every click. If a GCLID repeats, Google has not charged for that click, as Google only charges for unique click IDs.

2. Detecting and reporting non-human Behavior:
Our system also uses GCLIDs to identify and report suspicious or non-human behavior. If a click is flagged as suspicious, we use the GCLID to inform Google of potential issues, such as bot activity or click fraud.
Overall, we use GCLIDs to better track click activity, identify potential discrepancies, and ensure that you’re only paying for fake interactions.

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