How helps their client giordano improve time on page by 58% with ClickPatrol

Overview is an advertising agency based in the Netherlands. Over the last 11 years, it has specialized in helping small and medium-sized businesses maximize their online growth through clear and tailored online marketing strategies. One of its main goals is to help its clients grow their business. 

“Our main goal as an agency is to help them grow their business and achieve their objectives. To achieve this, we are constantly looking for the best tools and functionalities for our customers.” – rené de Boer, Product owner,

In this use case, René de Boer, Product owner (advertising) at, shared how they have used ClickPatrol to maximize their clients’ outcomes. 

The Challenge knew that not all traffic coming to them and their clients’ ads was of high quality, however, for quite some time, struggled with estimating the amount of non-human traffic on their customers’ ads. they also had no way to exclude them. This challenge resulted in the marketing budget not being optimally utilized. 

We had difficulty estimating the amount of invalid traffic our customers receive on their campaigns, and we also had no idea how to exclude all of them properly” – rené de Boer

Implementing ClickPatrol

Our head of growth Jandaan Kamerling contacted’s team for a 2-week demo where they connected a few of their accounts to our software and we monitored them for invalid clicks and non-human activity.

From the demo results, they could see the impact of invalid clicks on their accounts. Some accounts had as high as 20% invalid clicks.

Following the results of the Demo, they were happy to become paying customers and offer their clients ClickPatrol as an add-on service.

Their clients agree that the addition of ClickPatrol is a logical addition to their business because the savings they make on their ad budget outweigh the cost of the tool.

All advertising specialists at actively use ClickPatrol, and the company now includes ClickPatrol reports in its monthly analyses.

The Impact 

The major impact of implementing ClickPatrol for is increased client satisfaction.

“With ClickPatrol, we achieve better results for our customers, making them even more satisfied with our services. Efficiently excluding non-human traffic allows us to use their ad budgets more effectively.” – rené de Boer. achieves better cost per acquisition (CPA) and returns on ad spend (ROAS) metrics for their clients by eliminating invalid and non-human traffic with ClickPatrol. 

In certain accounts, they can exclude up to 25% of invalid clicks, allowing them to use their ad budgets effectively.’s Client use case

giordano is a young and dynamic company that designs, creates, and produces packaging and logistic solutions for the egg industry. They operate worldwide and have been a client of for the last 5 years.

Implementing ClickPatrol on their ad campaigns led to the following results:

10% increased leads

Time on page increased by 58%

Cost per lead decreased

With ClickPatrol’s help, agencies can offer their clients more actionable and measurable results, helping them get better business outcomes from their PPC campaigns.

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* For dutch registerd companies excluding VAT